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Java Enterprise Edition Design Patterns

This and subsequent posts are a write up of my Java EE revisits design patterns talk at jDay Sweden 2016.

The slides to the presentation are viewable here: Java EE Revisits Design Patterns and a video of the presentation will be made available as soon as jDays publish it.

The book that accompanies this talk is available from Amazon.

Master Java EE design pattern implementation to improve your design skills and your application’s architecture

Professional Java EE Design Patterns is the perfect companion for anyone who wants to work more effectively with Java EE, and the only resource that covers both the theory and application of design patterns in solving real-world problems. The authors guide readers through both the fundamental and advanced features of Java EE 7, presenting patterns throughout, and demonstrating how they are used in day-to-day problem-solving.

The talk has been divided up into the following sections.

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